Certified Software & Web Application Developer

DSDC have provided latest and Innovative technology with the reputation of being one of the Best Software Training Institute in Badarpur Delhi NCR

With this Software course, you learn topics in C & C++, HTML & CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Recat JS, MERN Stack & PYTHON with Soft Skills for organizational behaviour.

Pursuing this course will not only carve out a job for you but also enrich you as an individual competent in the area of Software and Web Application Development.


Computer Basics
Computer Fundamentals |MS-Windows | MS-Word | MS-Excel & Adv. Excel | MS-PowerPoint | MS-Access | LibreOffice | Basic Hardware | Installation & Assembling
Internet Concepts
Concept of Internet & Web Browsers Internet Servers | Search Engines Concepts of Domain Naming Systems and E-mail | Video Chatting Tools & Social Networking Concepts
Programming With C & C++
Introduction of programming logic and implementation | Conditional and Control Statement, Array, String, Pointer, Function, Structure, Union, Linked List, File Handling | Concept Of Object Oriented Programming Introduction Of Class & Object Concept Of Function & Constructor Inheritance & Polymorphism Overloading & Overriding
Web Page layout
Introduction to Full Stack | UI Design | HTML | CSS | Bootstarp | JavaScript | Objects and Events | Animation Effect | Fading Practical | Images and Forms with Ajax Integration
Web Deployment & Maintenance
Recat JS | Lifecycle Hook Components | Routing with Recat Router | Deployment using FTP | Domainn Registration | Web Hosting | Web Uploading | Frontend Development
MERN Stack Development
Introdunction of NodeJS | Dynamic Website | Producing Forms Handling Data | Database Management and Algorithms | Express JS | MongoDB | MERN App Deployment | Backend Development
Introduction to Python | Python Data Types Program Flow | Functions, Modules and Packages String, List , Tuples and Dictionary Manipulation File Operation | Exception Handling
SQL Database
Introduction of SQL | SQL Commands - DDL, DML, PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, AUTO_INCREMENT | RDBMS | Handling Data | Types of Queries
Digital Marketing
Web Development with Wordpress | Theme Integration | Manage Widgets and Plug-ins | Search Engine Optimization | Social Media Optimization | Pay Per Click (PPC) | Google Adwords | Email Marketing | Online Reputation Managemement.
Project Work
Handling Live Projects | Corporate level Projects | Job Training
Soft Skill
CV and Resume Writing | Extempore Positive Attitude | Mock Interview Presentation & GD | Personality Development

After completing this course student will be awarded - DGE & T Under MSDE Govt. Of India certified Software & Web Application Developer professional certifiecate.

Happy Students

Learning is not about reading books only, its about how to perform your role in the new generation world.